Releasing a New Game, I am Surprised and Proud

A year ago my best friend came up to me for help talking and ironing out an idea he had, an idea for a game. We talked about how we liked Dead by Daylight at the time, and if we were to make a single player game inspired by DBD, how would it go. We wrote everything down, and I believe it was my first time writing something resembling a GDD (Game Design Document) //Something like a proto GDD (Will post a link to it at the end of the post).

My best friend Ryan (listed as creative director and my name as director), found an amazing 3rd party developer and hired him to make what we have written down a reality. Ryan worked his butt off communicating his wants, compromises, and all the needs between himself, the developer and any individual the developer asked to work with (Animations and Models and the like), and honestly I am proud of my Besto Friendo Ryan.

I am proud to have helped creatively and helping my best friend understand the technical lingo and limits when wanting a game made.  

(Proto GDD Google Doc)

The Developer we hired's Fiverr page:

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